Our last issue, the last of about 120 issues, and an ending for us but for the Herald’s advertisers and readers there will be continuity with freshness, new angles and new ideas. We will be passing all enquiries to the new editor, Jen de Klerk, so there is no need to worry that your stories or adverts will be lost. She will have a complete list of present and past advertisers and the addresses of regular contributors as well as the present distribution. She will keep everybody informed of all changes. You can contact her on editor@henley-herald.co.za (If this is all news to you, go to the website and read the editorial of the November issue) Remember there is no issue in January.
One story that should have been on the front page is that of the burnt down houses – one in Heron Road and the other the home of Ron Horton of Balls ‘n All fame. Jonathan of Orchards Academy coordinated the aid that poured in from the Henley community – food, bedding, clothing, kitchenware – masses of stuff, but getting details out of him was difficult as he was constantly on the go. All we can say here is that the response from Henley has been overwhelming. We are sure that all the donations were gratefully received.
– Sal and Georges Hebert