Spring Cleaning

The darling buds of October are out and we are all energised by the spring weather. For many this translates into a big clean up and sort out. If this happens to you please don’t just fill the dustbin with your discards. Remember that lots of your rubbish can be reused, recycled or renovated.
For stuff that can be reused remember the charity shops: Clothes, bric a brac, CDs, DVDs and vinyls go to the hospices shops (There are two – one grand, the other more humble both good for bargains and both always gratefully accepting donations) Books go to the Lions and Balls ‘n All.
Recycling is handled by Billy and Pinky Modisane whose business is Klip River Recyclers. Put your cans, clean paper, plastic and glass on the pavement every Wednesday morning and they will collect it. Glass can also be taken to the various glass banks (library, Fraser Park, the Hound)
Pinky says that volumes of recycling are down and the cost of collection keeps going up but they are committed to their loyal customers and to continuing this service. This local business is worth supporting. The pic shows Billy, the tall one, with his three helpers and the big trailer full of recycling.