Henley Herald

Independent Verified Community News, Business, Events, Wellness, Gardens, and People in Henley on Klip, South Africa

Henley’s First Business Expo

It was a very hot and sunny day. The sweets were melting and the chocolates with soft. However, everyone was on the ball. The stalls came to show off, Henley Business was a confident show. We look forward to the next one and want to congratulate all the organisers for their incredible work in putting it together.

After many months of planning and organising, the first ever Henley Business Expo, hosted by the Henley Friends Business Network, came to flourishing on the 8th of October 2023. The day itself was a roaring success, with higher-than-expected visitors and standholders raving about big sales and massive networking throughout the entire day. The day was not just about milling through the 59 stands and spending some time with family and friends, it was a day for our local businesses to showcase who they are, where they are and what they do. Every business present has reported ongoing business from the expo and through people they met on the day, which was the aim.
Beyond the business, there was an underlying recipient of the proceeds of the day and this was the 1970 Henley Bus Accident memorial, which was established and maintained by the Daleside Volunteers. All proceeds from the day (over and above running expenses) have been donated to the memorial site to upgrade and rejuvenate the site for future visitors and in memory of the 23 children who tragically lost their lives there.
Over and above this, all the businesses involved with the expo are coming together in their way to lend a hand in fixing up the site, which is being done on the 12th of November, so be sure to pop past after this date, pay your respects and admire what can be done when local businesses get together for a worthy cause. Fixing up the memorial site is one thing, however, there is also a need to continue to maintain the site going forward and, in this respect, the Henley Friends Business Network has also been selling and continues to sell “bricks” on the wall of the memorial site for donations. By buying a brick, your name will be immortalized on the site with a plaque, on your sponsored brick.
For anyone still interested in purchasing a brick, these are R300 for a full brick or R150 for a half brick, all proceeds go directly to the Daleside Volunteers, and you can contact Tim on 078 966 7112 to arrange. As for the Business Expo, keep your eye peeled for the next one coming next year, which will be bigger and better with plans for more businesses as well as more entertainment and things to do.

The Businesses_ (random order)


Winners of the Best Stand was The Office, “Your flexible office space solution to move you and your business forward. The Office provides the perfect space for individuals and businesses to access full business services, without onerous contractual obligations.” Find out more at bookings@theoffice.co.za or call at 016 013 0491, or their website www.theoffice.co.za


Secret Sense: “Everything your body needs, nothing it doesn’t”. With a cool stand this business came in fourth place. Find out more at www.secretsense.co.za, or call 061 446 4225


The Therapy People won third place, and no surprise with a lovely stand featuring live TV and one of the best free gifts of the day- sunscreen. An advanced skincare clinic and treatment centre, right here in Henley, find out more on Facebook @therapypeople.738, or call at 082 331 7181


Gascraft: LP gass installations, appliance repairs and service, compliance certificates and more. To learn more from this dynamic duo contact at gascraft62@gmail.com, or contact Simon: 078 289 2355 – Registered SAQCC – Licenced Installer, find them on Facebook.


Allsynunmanned Custom Drone Solutions for Security and Surveillance application, Agriculutural and Geo Mapping, and Inspections brought a stylish drone for display, with lights and propellers. For more go to www.allsynunmanned.com, or e-mail at allsynunmanned@gmail.com, or go to their Facebook page, @allsynunmanned


Homestead Promotions: Personalized gifts, apparel, promotional items and more. For many small businesses, business is a family affair, and this stand like many was manned by many young professionals alongside the main business owner. Well done to all the many helpers, to contact e-mail homesteadpromotions@gmail.com, or call 071 921 0651


Fastway Couriers. The local branch from Vereeniging brought their A-game. Courier services is central to many small businesses, and we were happy to see the dark blue on the day. To contact call ; 072 500 9517 or e-mail at vee.sales3@fastway.co.za. Estie Hamman is our local Sales Manager.


One of the more ambitious stands of the day was Classic and General Automotive. We took away two pamphlets, it’s always useful to know of reputable car guys in the area. Contact Zee at 071 311 1599- 74 Batoliet Rd, Henley on Klip. Specializing in Restorations, Panel Beating, Resprays, Custom Works and lots more.


Masoil, a happy sight on the day. For more go to www.masoil.co.za, or call 068 035 0194, or 079 945 9221


AMC Cookware for life. Our lovely consultant Tumi Mahloma demonstrated how you can cook with AMC Cookware without oil or salt. Their free gift was a AMC timer, a fancy, fancy timer now standing in pride of place in our kitchen. Contact at 079 014 3356


All About Homes, Jacolien De Bruyn. Property professionals, for more go to www.aahomes.co.za, or call 072 326 5589 or email jacolien@aahomes.co.za. This table’s free gift was a bottle of water, and it was easily the most delicious water I’ve ever had.


Ursus Forge: Artis Blacksmith in Henley on Klip. Traditional Antique Fine Forging, contact Hermann Bayer 082 490 2620. Fantastic table full of finely handmade iron.


Rawson Properties, were another fun family table and I loved this one, when everyone is handing you mini marshmallows it’s a good day. Contact Lelani at 060 825 6139


Pool and Spa Experts, leading since 1982. There stand was easily the most welcoming on the day, they brought a whole jacuzzi. There were a few electricity issues during the day so the water was still, but everyone who passed by threatened to get in. We were all keeping an eye on some of the kids, thinking they would do more than threaten. To contact call 071 690 3998, or e-mail at poolandspa13@gmail.com


Micro Solar Solutions – Powering your future. There were a few solar solution tables, to find out more from Mirco Solar go to www.micross.co.za, or call 068 607 2222


Consciencia – Mindful Living, Life and Wellness Coaching, and Health Beauty and Wellness. Offering facials, waxing, make-up, eye treatments, and health products this table also brought a TV. Their free gift was an anti-oxidant cleanser from Skinlogic. Contact Mariitza Victor at 083 456 2096.


Bohomud Ceramics, one of our Made in Henley features. Nicole brought her latest collection and the white and gold were stunning in the bright sunshine. Find out more at www.bohomud.co.za.


Afriguard team were present in force, the team quickly assembled for the photo. Their stand was full of all the necessities for a security company. Looking forward to seeing more from them. To get in touch go to www.afri-guard.co.za, or call at 016 365 8100


Urbanwave- our newest advertiser. Local internet provider, VUMA, MetroFibre, and OpenServe. See them in our printed issue, so be sure to call 010 500 1734, or send an e-mail sales@urbanwave.co.za


Agile Gas and Solar brought a full mini solar set, enough to power a small fridge. The demonstration was effective, I put my hand inside and the air was cool and the coke was chilled. They also brought mini gas geysers, focused on the smaller conveniences we all look for when the powers done. To get in touch with Agile Gas and Solar call 060 972 9534, or 076 454 9330, or 082 381 2944


Steps and Stairs: precast Preformed Stairs and Slabs custom made, supplied and installed. Meeting the Steps and Stairs team was overdue, for me. Pa Dolla’s worked with Steps and Stairs before, and it was a delight to put faces to the names. They also handed out slightly melting candies, but Norma and I agreed the heat negates all the calories so it was fine.


Henley se dis Vleis Ja, were easily one of the tastiest tables with trays of delectable wors and meats. You can find them at Cnr Henley Dr. and Cleeve Rd., Henley on Klip at the Echo Garage station. The best droe-wors in Midvaal.


Mafia Monkey Clothing. It was great seeing so many young people running their own businesses, and within driving distance. The Mafia Monkey team were enthusiastic, and easily had one of the most colourful tables. To get in touch for some sick thread call Keegan 073 452 1586 or Derek 083 701 6600


Linton Enterprises: Corporate Clothing, Gifts and Uniforms. I’ve heard Linton recommended a few times, one of the businesses involved with the Network since the beginning. Contact Linda Prudden at 083 225 9886 or e-mail at linda@lintonent.co.za, for one of the most highly recommended local businesses.


Out and Out Picture Framing. Personally recommend Out and Out, recently had lots of frames done and the finishing touches were perfect. To contact Susan Malan call 082 713 9928, or e-mail susanmalanframing@gmail.com


Fox Signage – To advertise it, sign it. For large format digital printing, silkscreening, banners, billboards, illuminated signs, hazchem signs, safety signs, wall paper digital, sandblasting window designs, and vinyl decals. To contact call 074 112 2348, or e-mail admin@foxsignage.co.za


The Village Guest House showed up, and showed off. Book your staycation at one of the best local stays at 082 556 8518, find out more at www.villageguesthouse.co.za. We stayed at the Village a few years ago, and honestly one of the most beautiful spots in Henley.


Wonder Cream Face and Body Cream, olive oil and aloe vera. Excellent for dry, itchy, sensitive and problem skin. To get in touch contact Eloise at 079 729 1273


Amazing Kitchens, another family affair. The siblings each were asking for e-mails, when I asked if they were competing they said no, we work together. To find out more go to www.amazingkichens.co.za, or e-mail anthony@amazingkitchens.co,za


Creative Angels – crafting for you, no mistakes, just unique creations. To contact Janine 082 876 5533, or e-mail j9cloud@gmail.com


House of Darian, making magic in the present. Candles, natural soaps, and assorted loveliness. Follow House of Darian on Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok. Contact at 067 933 2421, or e-mal cherenne@gmail.com


Xigent Solar Solutions, one of our long running advertisers, and always busy table. Find Xigent in our printed copies, be sure to contact Xigent at www.xigent.co.za, or call 082 901 2607


Bobby’s Organics, handmade organic vegetables prepared by Boyka McClure. We used to see Boyka often with Dollas, we were at many markets together and it was lovely seeing her again and catching up. Contact Boyka at 084 580 5903


Willow Learning Centre Grade R to Matric Impaq Tutor Centre, were opposite Easy Lease and they ran the prego stand. It was a busy day, everyone at the stand were milling about, taking orders, making them, and delivering them to customers. To learn more about Willow Learning Centre, learn more 061 773 6918, or got to www.willowlearning.co.za


Tint Hair Salon. Gigi White, owner at the Salon, helped organize the event, and many of the recent events at the About Time Corner. Her team were present on the day, brining their expertise. For more contact, or visit Tint Hair Salon at_


Easy Lease: Tenant Screening, Leasing and Rentals, and Property Management. Tim Stapleton were opposite Willow Learning Centre and manned the prego stand. He worked hard all day and in the months leading up to the event. Shoutout to Tim and his team, Gigi, Linda, Joe, and many more who worked extra hard on their own time and dime to make the Expo a standout event in Henley 2023, learn ore at www.easylease.co.za


Living Glass – our resident glassaholic Sue Weber brought her machine to demonstrate on the day how many of her fine art pieces are made. Unfortunately the electricity was unreliable the day of, but Sue said it was a good day regardless. There were many people, new people, and that was the point of the day, to get your business out there to new people. Find Living Glass on Facebook. Picture from another market.


Mr Sign – General signage manufacturers, servicing the Gauteng Region. In business for over 50 years. Many of the promotional signage on the day were supplied by Mr Sign at discount for the vendors.


Ilanga Centre for Young Performers NPC brought the loveliest dance costume. Fiona Brown, as one of the admin on the Network group was one of the organizers of the day and helped put the event together. Her experience in event management came handy a few times, Staged Event Creations


1s Henley Scouts were out representing, read more about them here, www.1sthenleyscouts.co.za


Red Ops Security, our long time advertisers came through on the day. Great to meet the team in person, to get in touch with one of the most active and involved local security companies contact- be sure to follow and support them on facebook they do amazing work for everyone in Henley and Meyerton, www.redopsecurity.co.za


Cert /24hr Emergency brought all manner of rescue equipment on the day. They brought a raft, a manequin for CPR demonstrations, and lots of additional equipment. Learn more of them here, 24hr Emergency Assistance has been the number we print in the Herald for years, and we salute their efforts, thank you for your service.


Midvaal officially supported the event and our ward councillor came out to support himself, read from Tony in our printed issues every month. I met with the full team, including PR. It was great to make the connections in person and to see their support for the community, www.midvaal.gov.za


Swagga brought their delicious gin selection. More than a few Expo goers were seen to enjoy a cool delicious ink or blue Swagga gin. To stay up to date, follow on Facebook.


Embroiderdee said it was one of the best markets she’s ever done, it was the most interest she got in months. Denise Grenfell is a dear friend and seeing her was great, seeing her work appreciated and supported even better. I worked with Embroiderdee for a long time before Covid, and it was lovely to see her ‘bragging’ with me. For the best in local Embroidery contact Embroiderdee_


Dreams Like Theses - Annatjie Colling's second business, Dress for all Occasions, Wedding Matric, and Evening Dresses

Chip Twirls brought the delicious with their unique offer, with more than a few people walking around with a twirly chip. – Contact Annatjie Colling 082 883 4635


Execugardens Landscaping and Gardening (PTY) LTD – Creating aesthetic and functional indigenous gardens. We, the Dollas, met ExecuGardens some time ago and we are proud to work with such a kick ass group of women. Their stand was full of greenery, so obviously one of the best, www.execugardens.co.za


Lazy Daisy – Blooming Accessories. We went out one rainy morning to see the Lazy Daisy shop in Meyerton, it was packed with gorgeous rings and necklaces and small accessories. I was looking forward to seeing their stand, and their stand was just as impressive as the store. Stop by this festive season, 33 Galloway Str, Meyerton, 1961, or visit their website, www.lazydaisy.co.za, or send an e-mail


Modise Garden Landscaping and Cleaning Services free gift was a pen, with which I’ve made all my notes recently. I knew the team from the Gardening WhatsApp group and he came to tell me there is a way to get rid of ants completely, without Blue Death. We did not get to talking but I will be reaching out soon. www.modisegarden.co.za.


Heavenly Herbs, Kate and Ben are always a delight. No market day is complete with a fresh garlic loaf from Heavenly Herbs, we always get one and it should probably last two days. To hear more from Heavenly Herbs’ Kate read out our printed issues, Kate’s column is always delicious. To contact – their delicious baked goods are available all over Henley.


Pork Pie Lady, we first met at the first Henley Business Network meeting. Over the years we’ve seen the friendly pink pork sign everywhere. Pork Pie Lady’s pork pies are available at the Echo Station, and a few more locations around Henley. For more contact_


Mazoatchar is one of Ma Dollas favorite sauces, ever. We first met them at another About Time Market, and Ma Dolla’s loved it since. To enjoy the best atchar, from a chili sauce expert, call


OxBones, Food Infusions took Henley by storm, including us. OX Botha’s sauces are unique, strong, sweet, mild, all you want from chili sauce. You can find them all over Henley, support on Facebook and read more on their website www.foodinfusions.co.za.


Sally Sunshine Plants always brings the energy and the flowers. Her stands was gorgeous, her sweets were melted in the sun but the flowers were upright and bright. For some of the best prices for plants in Henley and Walkerville contact Sally Sunshine Plants. Call 083 393 1621


Stepping Stones stand was crowded, young kids came to play in the cool shade and their parents signed their email. It was lovely meeting the team, and they ran a raffle on the day, with a delicious looking basket for the winner. To learn more contact Susan Hibberd 072 308 872


Playpen Pals brought their colorful toy and inflatable selection for the kids to enjoy. The ball pit looking particularly inviting. Find them on Facebook, Playpen Pals.

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