Henley Herald

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Heavenly Herbs – Geranium, or Pelargonium

As we enter April and the Autumn season it’s time to reflect, consider and plan for the winter season ahead.?
It’s been four full years since we first went into “Lockdown” with Covid-19 and even though we say we are back to normal there have been many changes to our way of life. This month we are going to stray away from the usual pattern this article follows to consider what herbs are useful to help us cope with the changes and effects Covid has had on our mental, physical and emotional health. Children, especially, have been affected by the challenges Covid caused. Stress from being separated from family and friends,loss of loved ones,loss of the formal education environment and trying to catch up, lack of exercise and outdoor activity took its toll.
The experts say that there are simple ways to help children and adults to improve their general wellbeing and recover from the affects of Covid. Eating healthy,nutritious food, especially more fresh fruits and vegetables ( include fresh herbs) Getting the right amount of sleep. Access to regular exercise and outdoor activities. Get outside more often. Establishing a proper routine. Maintaining and establishing strong family ties and friendships. Establishing good habits and hygiene.
So how can herbs help?
Herbs like Chamomile, Passion flower and Green tea help to calm down the body and mind, reduce anxiety and encourage sleep. Anise, Fennel seeds, Cinnamon and Ginger root help to settle the digestive system. To improve brain health try Sage, Lemon Balm, Spearmint and Turmeric.
All these herbs are safe for children.
Above all try to live a more healthy lifestyle, be more aware of hygiene, listen carefully to each other and be more understanding of one another.
Because this month would have been about herbs starting with the letter “G” I think we will concentrate on the pretty, hardy and interesting Geranium or Pelargonium. There are many types including the scented ones like rose, lemon, ginger and peppermint. The ivy leaf and brown oak leaf, striped leaf and so many others. The blooms are so beautiful with all their myriad colours. The health benefits of geranium leaves are they are anti-inflammatory, helps with digestion and soothes and calms the nervous system. Use the scented variety to make a delicious tea.
Our recipe this month is the famous South African classic, Malva pudding. Great for a dessert in the forthcoming winter months. The origins of this pudding were in the Cape. It is said that the Cape Dutch housewives originally scented the pudding with rose or lemon scented Malva leaves. Malva is the Afrikaans name for Geranium. So in my recipe we will add an infusion of rose scented Geranium leaves to add some authenticity.


Malva pudding Ingredients:
180g sugar
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon apricot jam
150g flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon vinegar
⅓ cup milk
Sauce: 200 ml fresh cream
100g butter
150g sugar
100ml rose Geranium scented water
10ml vanilla essence.
Method: Beat eggs and sugar till fluffy, mix in apricot jam.Sieve flour, salt and baking soda together, add to egg mixture, add milk and beat till smooth. Pour into a greased baking dish and bake at 180° for 30 – 40 mins till golden brown. Pour all the ingredients for the sauce into a pot and bring to a simmer, stirring constantly. Prick a few holes in the pudding with a fork and pour the sauce mixture over the pudding. Stand for about 10 mins for sauce to soak in then serve with custard or ice cream.
Hi kids, Ginger Biscuit has been very busy inspecting our new Bee Hives making sure the bees are doing their job of making delicious honey. Did you know that honey is not only very yummy but also great for our health. It’s good for our tummy health and even helps to heal our cuts and scrapes.

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