Outcome of HOK Community Police Forum (HCPF) AGM on 14 July 2024

Following the Henley-On-Klip CPF AGM held on Sunday, 14th July 2024, at 14:00, it is regrettable to report that a quorum was not achieved, resulting in the inability to proceed with the elective AGM. Subsequently a Henley-On-Klip interim CPF structure for a period of 90 days was appointed by the Meyerton Executive Committee.
The interim committee consists of the following members and roles:
Chairperson: Silver Shabalala
Vice: Chairperson: Eckart Zollner
Treasurer & IT: Jan Coetzee
Secretary: Arrie van Zyl
Vice Secretary: Rudi McKeown
Public Relations Officer: JP Da Silva
Patrollers Group: Peter Commons
Youth & Transformation: Bradley Wilkinson
This interim committee will collaborate with the Meyerton Exco to organise an elective AGM within 90 days from the aforementioned date to be held no later than 90 days from 16/07/2024.
Members are currently in full swing with their preparations.
The Henley CPF forms sector 4 under the Meyerton Community Police Forum which is established in terms of the South African Police Act, Act 68 of 1995 (the principal Act), as amended, and the South African Police Service Interim Regulations for Community Police Forums and Boards,2001 (referred to as the Interim Regulations, 2001), with the aim of ensuring effective liaison between the South African Police Services (SAPS) and the community as envisaged by Section 18 of the Principal Act.
One of the key functions for members of the Henley CPF are the active patrols by teams of two members for a period of 2 hours, twice per month, serving as Eyes and Ears for the South African Police Services (SAPS). This important function not only provides SAPS with much needed intelligence, but also serves as a deterrent against crime through visibility. Henley CPF patrollers only act as observers and assist in the coordination of services as provided by SAPS, Midvaal fire, CERT and ER24 to name a few.
HCPF Patrols are clearly marked by official magnetic identification plates on both sides of the vehicle as well as a reflective vest with a personal identification name tag that is worn by the patrollers. Patrollers are in constant communication with the Midvaal command centre to coordinate intervention by SAPS, Midvaal Peace officers or any of the above-mentioned service providers where and when needed.
The Henley CPF group of active patrollers meet at 18:30 every third Wednesday of the month at the Henley CPF command centre, corner Ewelme and Dinsdale street. Prospective members of the HCPF that wish to join the group of active patrollers are welcome to attend.
Other important functions of the HCPF include a support structure for Victim care and Victim empowerment, as well as fund raising events to cover some of the operational expenditures. Membership to Henley CPF is free and members join on a voluntary basis.
Further information about the Henley CPF as well as information how to join is available via the website https://www.henley-cpf.co.za/ or email to hokcpf@gmail.com

Photo Courtesy Ruth Du Toit Photography