Henley Herald

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Henley on Kllip CPF Update: January 2024

The members of the Henley Community Policing forum (HCPF) continued their patrol roster throughout the festive season. This period of the year is typically a period with high levels of crime for break ins and theft from property, and 2024 was unfortunately no exception. We have experienced a spate of gate motor thefts, a number of break-ins and theft from property during the period.


We continue to receive great support from a number of active private security companies in the village and encourage residents to report suspicious situations or suspicious behaviour to these security companies, even if they are not paying members to their security services. Response numbers for these companies are posted on all the signboards and it is recommended for everyone to store these numbers on their phone for rapid access.


The lack of crime awareness and precautions against crime remain a major factor of why criminals continue to be succeed in Henley. It is everyone’s responsibility to remain vigilant and aware of this potential threat at all times. Leaving valuable items within plain sight in your garden or in the motor vehicle only presents an irresistible temptation to the criminal, who will scout the opportunity, observe movement throughout day and night, and plan to strike when it is least expected.


Valuable items that cannot be taken out of plain sight, such as gate motors, motorbikes, or trailers, need to be secured adequately through the use of anti-theft brackets or chain and steel cable locks. When entering or leaving your property, ensure that the gates are closed behind you.


Criminals prefer to work in the dark and remain undetected, so residents need to ensure that their perimeter is well lit and excessive vegetation that presents an opportunity for hiding spots is trimmed or removed altogether. Any item or material around the perimeter inside or outside of the property that can be used as a stepping aid to gain access over the fence must be removed.


Another important aspect in fighting crime is to know your neighbours, the layout of the property and items on-site and the movements of the occupants inside the property. By being aware and knowledgeable on our surroundings, suspicious observations and circumstance can be reported to the neighbour or the security company before an incident of crime occurs.


We encourage residents to visit our website https://www.henley-cpf.co.za/ and familiarise themselves with the work that we do. The HCPF is a volunteer-based organisation that relies on the time of volunteer patrollers twice a month for a 2-hour patrol. Membership is free of charge and subject to SAPS police clearance. Application forms and contact details can be found through the website. Our 24/7 emergency number is 081 813 3912.

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